Wednesday 20 May 2015

LCH Introduces Development Programme for New Recruits

Written By: Mark Armstrong

Provided By: Liverpool Community Health

Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust (LCH) has launched a Preceptorship programme for newly-recruited District Nurses.

STEP (Supporting Transition & Education through Preceptorship) is a bespoke programme designed by LCH for newly qualified registered nurses and experienced nurses new to the community setting.

The programme aims to support nurses through their first 12 months at LCH and their transition into the role of a Care Practitioner within the District Nursing service.

District Nurses often work in challenging environments, delivering the highest standard of care to patients with complex health needs, whilst maintaining patient safety and dignity.

Over the last 12 months, the District Nurses delivered over 450,000 home visits. Since July 2014, LCH has recruited nearly 100 new nurses to help support more patients to receive the care they need, closer to home.

New recruits are supported by a range of health professionals with significant experience in District Nursing, helping them to transfer their knowledge and skills and to adapt to the complex environment of Community Nursing.

Emma Galley, District Nurse Professional Development Mentor, commented: “STEP is crucial to ensuring our nurses are supported through their transition into the community, which is a unique and complex environment. We want to ensure our staff are well-prepared and well-qualified to deliver highly specialised care and go the extra mile for patients.”

As well as supporting nurses through their first 12 months, the programme also aims to enhance skills that staff already have in fields such as IV Therapy and Palliative Care.

Katie Phillips, Nurse Care Practitioner at LCH, added: “I joined LCH after having worked in Accident & Emergency since qualifying as a nurse. Beginning STEP in October 2013, the programme supported me through my transition and adaptation to the community care setting, teaching me new skills whilst building on those I had brought with me from my previous job.

“STEP is supported by the Professional Development Mentor Team, who link you to an individual preceptor mentor, who provides outstanding support as new staff adapt to the challenges of Community Nursing.

“In my 8 years of NHS service, STEP has been the most useful and supportive programme I’ve taken part in to date.”

For more information on the services at LCH, visit

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