Thursday 9 July 2015

Advice for safer summer holidays

Written By: Mark Armstrong

Provided By: Liverpool Community Health

As the summer holidays approach, Liverpool Community Health (LCH) NHS Trust’s Health Visitors are warning parents and carers to be aware of the dangers children might face at home during the holidays.

More than 2 million children under the age of 15 experience accidents in and around the home every year, for which they are taken to accident and emergency departments.

Accidents are more likely to occur at home during the summer, weekends and school holidays, especially in the late afternoon and early evening. Those most at risk from a home accident are the 0-4 years age group.

Falls account for the majority of non-fatal accidents while the highest numbers of deaths are due to fire. Most of these accidents are preventable through increased awareness, improvements in the home environment and greater product safety.

Jane Spicer, Health Visitor Team leader at LCH, commented: “Exploring and play is essential to children’s learning and development. We all need to be aware of safely issues and potential dangers, but this isn't a reason to stop children enjoying activities and having fun.”

Below are some simple steps which can be taken to avoid injury at home:

Make sure your baby cannot roll off the changing surface and don't leave them unattended on any raised surfaces
Don't put a bouncing cradle or similar piece of equipment on a table or worktop – they can easily bounce off the edge
Fit restrictors to upstairs windows so they cannot be opened more than 6.5cm – but make sure you can still open them quickly in an emergency
Keep chairs and other climbing objects away from windows and balconies
Fit safety gates approved by British Standards (BS EN 1930:2011) at the top and bottom of stairs if your child is younger than 2
Don't leave anything on the floor or stairs that might cause someone to fall over
Ensure there is enough light on the stairs
Check there is no room for a child to crawl through any banisters at the top of the stairs. Fit wire netting as a guard if there is a risk of your child falling through or getting stuck (netting can be purchased from DIY stores)
Keep balcony doors locked to prevent your child from going on to it alone and fit wire netting as a guard
Secure any furniture and kitchen appliances to the wall if there's a risk they could be pulled over
Never leave the BBQ unattended, ensure children are well supervised and entertained away from the BBQ. Keep a bucket of water handy for emergencies
Watch children when they are playing in paddling pools or near water and ensure they are emptied straight after their use
Ensure trampolines are situated on soft ground in a clear hazard free area with a safety net and pads and restrict use to one person at a time.

For further information, visit

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