Tuesday 21 July 2015

Going, going, gone - Nurse chops locks for charity

Written By: Mark Armstrong

Provided By: Liverpool Community Health

A local nurse has cut off nearly a foot of hair to raise money for the national charity, the Sepsis Trust.

Steph O’Connor from Birkdale is a Nurse Practitioner at Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust. In November last year, she lost her father to Sepsis; he arrived home from work with back ache and feeling shivery. Sadly, he passed away a few hours later from a cardiac arrest due to multi-organ failure caused by streptococcal septicaemia.

The Sepsis Trust is a national charity which supports patients and their families, including those bereaved by Sepsis with information and support networks. The charity works to raise awareness of sepsis and also to provide education to health professionals on early recognition and management.

Severe Sepsis is a life-threatening condition and is one of the biggest killers and claims 37,000 lives every year in the UK. Many people can have ‘mild’ Sepsis which can make them feel ill, but doesn’t require treatment in hospital. Mild Sepsis can result from chest infections, urine infections and other minor illnesses.

Steph explained: “As a healthcare professional, I know the impact Sepsis can have on people’s lives. I am aware of the signs and symptoms and how rapid intervention can save lives. I am hoping to raise money for the charity and also to raise awareness of Sepsis.”

Steph continued: “I decided to take the chop to raise money for the charity. My dad was always threatening to cut off my hair; it’s my pride and joy, but I know it will eventually grow back. I am donating my hair to the Little Princess Trust who make wigs for children who have lost their hair due to cancer treatment. I am so happy that two wonderful causes will be benefitting.”

Steph’s initial fundraising target was £150; her husband Martin said he would run in the next Liverpool Marathon if Steph doubled her target. She took on the challenge and has so far raised just over £600, and donations are still coming in.

If you would like to show your support, please donate at www.justgiving.com/mrs-sock.

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