Monday 27 July 2015

The art of Frank Green

Written By: Mark Armstrong

Provided By: St George's Hall

Attend a special talk with Frank Green

St George's Hall are delighted to announce a series of Artist Talks with Frank Green will take place throughout August to coincide with the Liverpool artist’s exhibition, which is currently open to the public every day until Monday August 31.

The 40-minute sessions will take place in the Reid Room on Saturday August 1, Thursday August 20, Saturday August 22 and Saturday August 29 at 14.00 on each of these dates, and early booking is advised due to limited capacity.

In these special talks, guests will get an in-depth insight of Frank’s long-standing love of art as he discusses his experience as an artist, with the use of projection to animate the talks demonstrating the theory and technique through his use of medium and colour apparent in his works.

Tickets are priced at just £10, which also includes admission in to the exhibition and an opportunity for a Q&A with Frank after the talks.

Frank Green has been drawing and painting Liverpool cityscapes since he was a student at Liverpool College of Art, Hope Street, in the 1960s; and whilst the exhibition will focus, for the most part, on pictures of Liverpool (streets, churches, pubs and city views), there will be a selection of rarely-seen fine sepia drawings of Malta, and watercolours of France, Italy and Wales.

Following on from the hugely successful Frank Green and the Welsh Builders exhibition at Plas Glyn-y-Weddw in North Wales earlier this year, in which the Welsh builders who contributed to the architectural wealth of Liverpool were celebrated, Frank is now thrilled to be one of the first artists to have his work displayed at the new galleries at St George's Hall.

Visitors can expect to see a vast body of work attesting to Frank’s great fondness for the city of Liverpool, its people and architecture; and will feature the artist's work in watercolour, oil, pastel, conté crayon, pencil, and pen and ink across the six new galleries in the basement of St George’s Hall.

For more news on Frank Green, and to view a selection of prints by the artist in his online shop, visit

Tickets can be purchased from St George's Hall Shop or by calling 0151 225 6903.

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