Thursday 9 July 2015

The genetic connection between human and animal explored through photography: are we all connected?

Written By: Mark Armstrong

Provided By: Culture Warrington

Pauline Rigby, 2014 Warrington Contemporary Arts Festival photography winner, exhibits Connections at Pyramid this summer

Pauline Rigby’s photography exhibition Connections will be displayed at Pyramid from Saturday July 18-Saturday August 29. The exhibition explores the connection between science and nature and how we manipulate these forces.

Humans have credited animals with supernatural powers since Ancient Egypt, producing human-animal hybrid imagery. When Darwin’s Theory of Evolution was published, waves of controversy rippled through making many people question the consecration of animals.

Furthermore, the discovery of DNA opened up a new area of exploration. Pauline Rigby’s work seeks to probe the area of genetic interconnections. Her work highlights that further exploration into genetic coding and cloning may lead to discoveries that truly highlight the connections we have with other species. Maybe, in fact we are all connected in some way or another? What if our DNA were mutated with other species?

Pauline Rigby spoke about her enthusiasm surrounding her photography’s subject matter: “DNA has been in existence for billions of years but we are only just starting to delve in to how this affects the human race as a species. I am fascinated by the way in which DNA connects human with animal and the prospect of a mutated species. This interest is reflected within my photography.”

Pauline Rigby won the 2014 Warrington Contemporary Arts Festival Photography Open for her picture Time Travel. The judges unanimously declared Time Travel as the most compelling image of the 50 pieces on display in the Open Exhibition.

Pauline will elaborate further on the inspiration for her exhibition during the Arts Hub Meetup. Between 18.00-20.00 on Wednesday July 22, there will be a tour of the exhibition for the public followed by an artist talk at Pyramid.

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