Friday 14 August 2015

A little (more) conversation with Sian Reeves

Image Source: Chronicle Live
Written By: Mark Armstrong

Provided By: Liverpool Empire Theatre

Throughout the week, Love Me Tender, the brand new musical featuring the hits of Elvis Presley as its soundtrack, has left the Liverpool Empire and thousands of attendees All Shook Up. As the show continues its Merseyside run, I spoke to one of the stars of the production, Sian Reeves (who plays the character of Mayor Matilda Hyde), where she discussed her contribution to Love Me Tender, and compared it to other experiences throughout her varied career …

First of all, can you tell us about the story of Love Me Tender, and of your role as Mayor Matilda Hyde?

The story is about a small town in the middle of nowhere in America. I play Mayor Matilda Hyde, and she runs the town with a firm hand: she doesn’t allow tight pants, public kissing, loud music etc. But then this guy comes to the town who's a bit of a nod to Elvis, who shakes us all up, who makes the jukebox work again, and who gets everybody wearing blue suede shoes. I oppose him all the way, until near the end when I have a meltdown to (the tune of) The Devil In Disguise!

Visit our Theatre sub-page for full article by clicking here

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