Thursday 27 August 2015

History Live brings The Great and The Good back to life at St George's Hall next week

Written By: Mark Armstrong

Provided By: St George's Hall

St George’s Hall are proud to announce their latest historical extravaganza, History Live - The Great and The Good, which comes next week from Tuesday September 1-Sunday September 6, and brings to life some of the most inspiring figures from Liverpool’s past in the atmospheric cells and catacombs of St George's Hall.

A group of local historians, enthusiasts and actors from In Another Place community group have got together to form History Live, celebrating the incredible achievements and selfless acts of historic Liverpudlians such as Josephine Butler, Edward Rushton, Doctor Duncan and more.

St George's Hall has had a number of very successful re-enacted history tours but this is the first one to concentrate on the cities inspiring historical characters who were motivated and energized by their faith. Liverpool has a very strong Christian heritage – from the monks that started the ferry across the Mersey, to some of the abolitionists of the slave trade – like Thomas Hope of Hope Street fame. The Great and the Good concentrates on five characters mainly from the Victorian era, all motivated by their faith. From the wealthy Joseph Williamson and his tunnels, to the poverty stricken Kitty Wilkinson and her laundry service to combat cholera in the slums. Visitors will also meet Edward Rushton, founder of the first school for the blind, and Dr. Duncan and Josephine Butler, campaigners in the fields of health and education for women.

Hannah Johnson, director, commented: "St George's Hall has hosted some very successful tours in the last few months and they are keen to promote our new production which is interactive, informative and inspiring. Not to be missed!"

Alan Smith, manager of St Georges Hall, added: “St George’s Hall is delighted to host a new and dynamic series of heritage gallery and catacomb tours which focus purely on the great and good of Liverpool. The spotlight is turned onto Liverpool greats who have made outstanding contributions to the life of people from the city and beyond. History Live have an outstanding record of producing great public theatre and performances and I am sure they will produce outstanding performance in the catacombs.”

In Another Place is an all-inclusive Christian charity that uses large scale theatrical events to encourage participation from people of all backgrounds, young and old and all abilities. They are best known for their two huge Narnia productions with 500 participants and an audience of 17,000 walking through the experience over a two-week period.

For further information, visit

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