Thursday, 19 March 2015

WrestleMania 23

Image Source: Amazon
Written By: Mark Armstrong

Running Time: 480 Minutes
Certificate: 15
Number Of Discs: 3
Studio: Clear Vision Ltd/Silver Vision
Released: July 9 2007

Twenty years after the landmark WrestleMania III, the Showcase Of The Immortals returns to a major stadium in Michigan (this was the first WM in a stadium since 2003, and it has continued to be hosted in stadia to this very day). Historically, WM 23 does not compare to WM 3, but in terms of action, this is a very good if underrated WM that surpasses everything that wasn't Steamboat vs. Savage in the Pontiac Silverdome.

The card kicks off with what is, to me, the best pyrotechnics display in WWE history; it is stunning. But better than that is the third Money In The Bank match, which here features eight participants. Although it is longer than most MITB bouts have been, it is a bit slower and features fewer major spots. But there are still plenty of big moments, including one of the most insane Ladder match moments ever in the form of Jeff Hardy's huge legdrop off one ladder into Edge and through another ladder (an unseen stunt at the time). Equally crazy is Mr. Kennedy's Green Bay Plunge from a great height on Hornswoggle (yes, Hornswoggle!) en route to his win. Unfortunately, injury denied Kennedy his cash-in moment and he never became the star he was projected to be - but on this night, he seemed every bit the future after winning a great opening contest.

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