Thursday 28 May 2015

CM Punk: Best In The World

Image Source: Amazon
Written By: Mark Armstrong

Running Time: 427 Minutes
Certificate: 15
Number Of Discs: 3
Studio: Clear Vision Ltd/Silver Vision
Released: October 29 2012

Before the Yes Movement elevated Daniel Bryan, diehard WWE fans were firmly behind CM Punk. The Chicago native brought an unconventional yet exciting in-ring and promo style, and a straight-edge character (no smoking, drinking or drugs, modelled on his real-life code of ethics), up through the indies and onto the main stage, which captured the imagination of those looking for a new hero, particularly someone who didn't come across as a John Cena clone. But his road to the top was bumpy, and no matter what Punk did in the ring, it seemed his fate was sealed to be nothing more than an upper mid-carder. Then, he cut a famous promo which would become known as the "Pipe Bomb", and Punk used the momentum off this to catapult himself to the WWE Title.

This 2012 DVD is largely based on a documentary which charts CM Punk's life and times, from his challenging upbringing to his breakthrough in wrestling on the independent circuit. Of note during his early days, Punk shone in Ring Of Honor, particularly in a feud with Samoa Joe. We see clips of this rivalry and other scraps with the likes of Raven, and we also see Punk return to the ROH training centre, a surreal sight on a WWE DVD at the time. There is no mention of Punk's time in TNA, but everywhere and almost everything else is covered, up until his signing with WWE in 2005.

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