Monday 10 August 2015

Wrestling's Greatest Factions

Image Source: Amazon
Written By: Mark Armstrong

Running Time: 424 Minutes
Certificate: 12
Number Of Discs: 3
Studio: Fremantle Home Entertainment
Released: May 26 2014

A staple of wrestling over the last 20-30 years has been the wrestling faction. Generally consisting of three or more members, and usually with a desire to rule their home base company, stables are united by family, friendship, or a common goal for complete domination. And groups tend to have a distinct personality trait which the wrestlers involved often have a difficult time establishing on their own, whether it be about playing pranks and having fun or about being rich, arrogant and affluent. Most factions have a disastrous conclusion of infighting, mind you ... but that's another story.

This DVD set focuses on the most notable factions from the mid-1980s to the present day, combining talking head comments with a match involving each highlighted faction. I'll focus on the matches and then the intros later in the review for reasons that I will explain.

Visit our Wrestling sub-page for full article by clicking here

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