Tuesday 11 August 2015

Multiple opportunities to present work as part of Warrington Contemporary Arts Festival

Written By: Mark Armstrong

Provided By: Warrington Contemporary Arts Festival

Calling all artists!

Warrington Contemporary Arts Festival, working in partnership with N( )RTH is offering two unique opportunities for emerging artists to create, share, network and perform as part of the 2015 festival.

Cross-Platform Artist Collaboration is an opportunity for artists to come together to create a completely original live art performance. These collaborations will be devised and performed within Pyramid during the allotted time, from 10.00-22.00 on Thursday October 22.

Alongside use of Pyramid, artists will receive technical support with access to lighting, sound and projection. This is a wonderful opportunity to network and work with other artists and enhance performance experience within an intense 12 hour period.

Encounters is a fantastic opportunity for new and emerging artists who wish to gain experience showcasing already conceived work in a public space. It provides an opportunity for artists to meet, and preview work on Saturday October 24. In contrast to Cross-Platform Artist Collaboration, this call is for work (either work in progress or completed pieces) that can be performed in and around Warrington Town Centre. Festival organisers are particularly interested in work that encourages audience interaction.

Proposals must be for live arts performances and can support dance, mixed-media, visual arts and performance art. For routines and set performances artists must be prepared to showcase work more than once during a four hour period. Warrington Contemporary Arts Festival will be able to provide technical assistance, a PA, a place to change and store valuables.

How to apply to take part:

Cross-Platform Artist Collaboration

Email the Festival Team with your current practice and experience, including images and links to their website or recent performances to info@warringtonartsfestival.co.uk. Artists should also outline how the opportunity would enhance and develop their practice.


To apply, go to https://warringtonartsfestival.wufoo.com/forms/zub2ozb0tjp1cz/. The closing date is Monday August 31 at 17.00.

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